This is your official invitation to my FREE virtual self-care event PLEASURE as SELF-CARE


This event has already taken place.

This is your official invitation to my FREE virtual self-care event PLEASURE as SELF-CARE

that is taking place on:


DATE: Wednesday, November 23rd

TIME: 7-9 pm Central European Time (Sweden) / 1-3 pm US Eastern (NYC)

WHERE: On Zoom

FOR: Women with pussies

Investment: It’s FREE!!


Sign me up!

I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time and now the time has finally come. Or should I say cum?! 😂


This is for you if you: 

  • Struggle with having guilt-free solo time where you connect with your body
  • Want to connect with your body and sexuality but don’t know how to do it
  • Lack pleasure and sensual delight in your life
  • Pour all your energy into others and often feel depleted, grumpy and bitter
  • Feel confused or lost in your sensuality and sexuality
  • Want inspiration to establish a regular self-care routine that includes pleasure
  • Are a high performer/achiever and motivate yourself from pain/struggle

Let’s talk about pleasure – what is it and why is it important?


In the dictionary it says:

Maybe you’ve heard me say this before – pleasure is a human right. 


There are different kinds of pleasure - the dictionary says so!

Humans NEED pleasure -  specifically sensual and sexual pleasure to feel vibrant, fulfilled, energized - and truly happy. 

But you also need other kinds of pleasure like intellectual pleasure, humor pleasure, nature pleasure, workout pleasure, and social pleasure. 

And most of us are pretty good at giving ourselves all of THOSE kinds of pleasure. 

But sensual and sexual pleasure is usually the missing piece of the puzzle. 

It’s overlooked or ignored, or there are too many challenging emotions associated with it, so you avoid it altogether. 

Which, of course, is a tragedy and leads to no good. 

Unhappy pussy = unhappy woman. 

No pleasure makes woman a grumpy bitch. (get the reference??😂)

In our modern society, many women invest A LOT of time and money into looking good and feeling good, but there are two patterns here that are pretty common: 


1. It’s coming from a place of punishing yourself (like, you ate that cake, so now you have to suffer through this workout or diet) OR a subtle feeling of disliking yourself and and saying "But once I do this thing, THEN I'll be able to accept and love myself!"

2. If sensual and sexual pleasure isn’t included, it’s always going to feel surface-y and have surface-level results 


So, I’m here to offer you the missing pieces and give you insights, inspiration, AND the tools to have a HOLISTIC and COMPREHENSIVE self-care routine that truly makes you feel AMAZING. 

Now let me just quickly mention some things about self-care: 


Self-care is not selfish. You have to fill your own cup before you can pour into others.

Self-care is important for maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself.

Self-care includes the things we do that make us feel taken care of mentally, physically, and emotionally. AND sexually.

But self-care doesn’t just happen magically without trying, so we may need to stop and take the time to remind ourselves that we are important, too.

There are many different ways to self-care that take care of the mind, body, and soul by engaging in activities that promote well-being and reduce stress. 

It’s also really valuable to do sensual and sexual self-care and to intentionally include pleasure as a flavor in any kind of self-care. 

Regular self-care - specifically self-care that is pleasure inclusive - enhances our ability to feel fully alive, vibrant, and energized. 

The practice of self-care also reminds both you and others that your needs are valid and a priority - again, especially true and important when it comes to your sexuality!

I’m SOOO excited to invite you learn more about this and to enjoy this very special event. 

In PLEASURE as SELF-CARE I’m going to:

  •  Inspire you to prioritize pleasure in all its different flavors
  • Give you a space to connect with like-minded women so as to not feel so alone on this journey

  • Guide you through a process to release and integrate negative emotions towards your pleasure and pussy

  • Give you mental and practical tools and embodied practices to experience and enjoy sensual pleasure

  • Guide you through live practices

  • Show you a really fun and fantastic time, spent with me and other amazing women!


This event has already taken place.