Are you ready to reclaim your pussy power?


This live event already took place, but the recordings with be available for FOUR weeks. Tune in!

FUCK yes!

Hellll yaaaassss.....

Let’s do this!!

“Do what, Erika?”

Let’s reclaim our pussy power!

Let’s expand our orgasmic mastery!

Let's release the shame (even if you have a lot of it) in the most pleasure-filled way!

Let’s tap into our orgasmic power!

Let’s heal our wounds with other women!

Let’s get together and have a fucking great time!


If you’re where I was 10 years ago, maybe you’re experiencing:



➤ Feeling disconnected from yourself, your body, sexuality, pussy and pleasure
➤ A LOT of frustration with lack of pleasure and/or orgasms
Feeling like your pleasure, sexual or otherwise, is last on the list?

➤ Sexually disempowered and stuck in the pleasing-mode prioritizing your partner’s pleasure over your own

➤ Lacking education and knowledge AND practical experience with your pussy, pleasure and orgasms

➤ An increasing feeling of hopelessness and despair (will it EVER get better?!)

Does multi-orgasmic feel SO far from where you are right now and you're experiencing a lot of blockages around your pleasure, orgasms and/or sexual desire?


If you’re like: “yup that’s me” in one or several of these statements, then YOU’VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE! Let me inspire and show you how to change this (and share why you should even bother with this)!!


If you’re in a really sweet spot sexually in your life and you’re feeling powerful, orgasmic and embodied in your sexuality, then FUCK YES, I celebrate you – AND – let’s fucking turn up the dial on that for you.



There’s more to pleasure than just pleasure…  


There’s power. 









A woman who owns her sexuality, who is deeply connected with her sexual core and orgasms, she’s tapped into an incredible force.

Because, as you connect with your sexual self, and meet yourself in the most intimate and physical way, and embrace your sexual core, self-pleasure, orgasm...

You liberate yourself from taboo, shame, trauma, societal and religious limitations and conditioning…

You access the deepest and most profound treasure trove of wisdom that is inside of you - your inner body and your sexuality.


Many true spiritual teachings emphasize this – the importance of the inner body, the essential state of being in the body, and the presence and enlightenment one can experience through inhabiting the body.

Just wanted to mention that… You can totally feel excited about this JUST for the pleasure, but you’re gonna get SO MUCH more out of it than “just” the pleasure. 


  • Enlighten you on all the female orgasms that exist (and yes, you can learn to have them too!)
  • Talk about how shame shuts us down and keeps us small, limited and unhappy
  • Teach you how to unlock your innate power and pleasure by cultivating shamelessness
  • Share with you how I went from pre-orgasmic to multi-orgasmic.
  • Teach you how to expand and unleash your own orgasmic potential
  • Play the best music and make you dance and move your body in orgasmic ways
  • Guide you through simple yet profound embodiment and sensual practices
  • Bathe you in my vibrant transmission with you (this is transformational in itself!)

PUSSY POWER – ORGASM EDITION is a three-day FREE virtual orgasm reclamation, workshop and celebration party for women with pussies who are excited to live a more expressive and powerful life and feel shameless in their sexuality and pleasure!

Is that you? GREAT.

PUSSY POWER takes place on:


This live event already took place, but the recordings with be available for FOUR weeks. Tune in!


I’ll bring the magic, transmission and pussy enlightenment…

All you gotta do is:
➤ Sign up and join us below FOR FREE
➤ Prepare yourself for a rad and transformative experience
➤  Show up with an open and curious mind and a willingness to connect with like-minded sluts, explore and have fun

You’ll walk away from this experience feeling super elevated, inspired and lit up within and with a renewed commitment to your pleasure and orgasm journey and lifestyle, your power and expression as a woman, and feeling more connected to like minded sisters all over the world…


➤ You’ll know the key tools to increase your pleasure and unleash your orgasms.

➤ You’ll know how to handle negative emotions about yourself and how to silence that inner critic in your head. 

➤ You’ll feel HOPEFUL about your sexual future (it gets better with age and practice!

➤ You’ll have tasted the power of movement, dance and sensual practices so that you continue practicing on your own in your daily life. 

What do you say, Queen– you in?

Life is fucking short – let’s live it orgasmically! This live event already took place, but the recordings with be available for FOUR weeks. Tune in!