78. Embodying Birth: A Sacred Journey with Maha

What if the birth was not just a physical event but a spiritual practice, a journey of profound consciousness? Well, our guest today, Maha Al-Musa, is here to guide you through this paradigm-shifting perspective. 

Today we have a truly special guest who has dedicated her life to unraveling the mysteries of birth, weaving together spirituality, lineage, and the profound essence of motherhood.

So, stay tuned as we embark on this extraordinary exploration and  I encourage you to ponder the profound wisdom shared today and explore the limitless possibilities of birthing with love and consciousness. 

Maha Al-Musa is the founder and creator of EmbodyBirth and BellydanceBirth Maha’s signature childbirth education and preparation program for mothers-to-be and birth professionals since 1997. She is the author of Dance of the Womb: The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy and Birth book, international speaker, natural birth and breastfeeding advocate, and a mother to 3 beautiful children.

In this episode: 

  1. Maha’sPersonal Journey and Lineage.

  2. Breaking the narrative of fear, trauma, and pain associated with birth.

  3. Placing women and babies at the center of the birthing experience.

  4. Embracing birth as a spiritual practice and a conscious evolution of humanity.

  5. The importance of envisioning and choosing the right environment and support for birth.

  6. Patterns and Symbols in Birth.

  Let’s connect!

Come join me and like-minded women in my FREE women-only, sex-positive community – Pleasure Rebels Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/plsrebels

Follow and reach out on IG: https://www.instagram.com/erikaalsborn 


Links and resources: 

Pussy worship link: 



Connect with Maha:

The EmbodyBirth pregnancy and birth preparation program

The EmbodyBirth online teacher training certification

Her website

Find her on IG: https://www.instagram.com/embodybirthinternational/


If you reach out to Maha and mention my podcast you get:

$100 off the pregnancy program

$200 off the certification xx


Related Episodes:

64: Embracing your inner witch: remembering forgotten reproductive health and natural fertility awareness practices – interview with Siri Kalla →

60: The sacredness of birth and healing birth trauma – interview with Sharon Moloney →

55: How to have an orgasmic/ecstatic birth →